Wednesday, December 24, 2008


When I was younger my aunt would always give us lil ones a sip of beer, there have been atleast one from memory where my cousin got me drunk, but she assumed I was REALLY sleepy until we confessed the next day. My dad didn't mind giving me any, but mama wasn't having it. When I was 10 I lost the taste for it and I haven't drank any since. I've never been the type to really wanna drink. Even when I was 21 my first "drink" was a wine cooler. On my as a matter of fact. It's extremely rare if I drink anything through out the year, I forgot when, but during a lil get together with classmates earlier this year I had like 2 daquri's and that was it. I do know I talk WAYYYY too much when I'm drunk. Everytime I went out to my heavy mojo concerts and there was this one table I would sit at, no matter who it was they would offer to pay for me a drink, I would decline for whatever reason though. My mom would complain I drink too much when it comes to sodas, etc, but I keep reminding her, "At least it's not alcohol."

My other drink of choice besides Daquri is Alize and that is not a cute name for a girl.

Naming her after some orange juice would be better, even though I don't think that's how dad came up with mine.

1 comment:

Ed-Nice said...

lmaooooo @ the OJ comment lol...