Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

I've become a fan of different podcasts, mostly movie ones.

I'm a twitter junkie.

I had to emotionally let go of someone who broke my heart.

I got my very first PDA.

Happy that my nephew graduated HS, sad for the lost of my former HS principal.

I've had a decent year. I don't believe in making resolutions so whateva I wanna change about myself I gotta just do it.

I wanna thank the people I've met whether it's person or online. Each one of you have a place in my life. I hate when HOURS ago I KNEW what I wanted to say, but now?

For those of you reading this, have fun, be safe. I'm keeping my behind the house.


1 comment:

Ed-Nice said...

Thank you for sharing your life with us in cyberspace!