Monday, December 29, 2008

What's in YOUR wallet?

I honestly hate the phrase "I don't have that much money" if we plan to go out somewhere, don't tell me that especially if you know I'm not the type who will try to eat an expensive meal everytime we go out. I don't mind going half on a meal, or even taking turns paying for it especially if it's somewhere I really wanna go.

I've hated those words ever since this one dude who had never seen me, but we talked on the phone{my friend knew him}. Everytime I tried to invite him to the house, that's what his response was. I was like I didn't say buy me anything I just wanna meet you. For the longest time he punked out on seeing me. We eventually met, but I really wasn't that interested in him after awhile.

Eventually my friend asked me why I didn't like him, I told her about him turning me down all the time and she told me something about it was really a weight issue with him. Apprantly he wasn't comfortable with me seeing him how he was. I didn't find this out until after I had finally met him and lost interest. I didn't think he was all that big. I didn't see anything wrong with him.

This happened almost 13 yrs ago.

1 comment:

Ed-Nice said...

I don't understand that... You didnt say you wanted to go out on the town; you were inviting him over- what does how much $$$ is in my pocket have to do with that??? Oh well... It worked out for the best, you wouldn't want someone like that in your life anyway...