Thursday, December 25, 2008

I got a man for Xmas

Not really, but a childhood friend of my brother who used to live next door to us came for a visit...mama woke me up to let me know...thank goodness I had did something to my hair b4 I went back to bed. Mama was cooking and left me downstairs with him. I don't think she realize how much I lust this man...the only downside is that he's married, but if he was single again....I've seen the dick before. He's never fucked me, but yea. He's been married twice. I actually knew his first wife cause while he was still married to the first wife he stayed in the house he grew up in. I saw him a few months ago cause he works for MARTA{our public transportation} and I was passing through one of the stations. I was going to use the restroom, but when he saw me and we started talking. I kinda held it til I got home. Apprantly I didn't have to go that bad. LOL!

::fanning myself::

Merry Xmas to me.


Dallas Black said...

Whot? You saw the dick but....wait....rewind.

~V~ said...

I've given him a BJ once.

Ed-Nice said...

I was about to say the the same thing Dallas said lol...